Easy Sheet Pan Croque Monsieur

Croque Monsieur

A Croque Monsieur is a fancy French name for a toasted ham and cheese sandwich. The name literally translates to ‘Mister Crunch,” because of the crispy bread. Traditionally, it’s made with a cheesy white sauce, but we’ve simplified it a bit, and made it easy to make a big batch.

This dish is absolutely delicious! When we made this recipe, they disappeared really quickly, but they could be saved and reheated the next day– just make sure to reheat them in the oven.



The Process

It’s a fairly simple process, but let’s talk through all the components.

We start with sourdough bread and our Fresh Churned Garlic Butter. It’s a great place to start and a delicious combination of ingredients.

Melt some of that amazing Garlic Butter and brush it onto the bread with a generous hand. You’ll be happy too, if the bread is sliced thick.

Then we start with the cheese. The first layer is a slice of sharp white cheddar. That’s one slice if you bought pre-sliced at the store. If you’re slicing your own, it might be more than one slice. We just want a solid layer of cheese covering the whole piece of bread.

Add some beautiful deli ham on top of that. We bought round slices at our local deli and folded them in half, which looked a little more elegant.

On top of that, a nice pile of shredded Gruyere cheese. It’s a lovely trifecta: the sharp Cheddar, the salty ham, and the smoky gruyere.



Big Batch

You could choose to toast these individually, but we’ve decided to use time a little more wisely. Put your sandwiches (these are open-faced sandwiches) on a sheet pan, and pop them in the oven. It should take around 10 minutes, but keep an eye on it so nothing get burned.

The advantages of doing it this way are clear: you have multiple sandwiches ready at the same time, and you get a nice toast on the bread while getting an equal and even melt on the cheese.

This may be become your new favorite! Enjoy!




Sheet Pan Croque Monsieur

Recipe by Chef ShamyCourse: Lunch, Dinner


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 8 slices sourdough bread

  • 1 cup Fresh Churned Garlic Butter, melted

  • 8 slices sharp cheddar

  • 8 slices ham

  • 1 cup shredded gruyere cheese

  • 2-3 T fresh basil, chopped

  • Fresh cracked black pepper


  • Preheat oven to 450° F.
  • Place slices of sourdough bread on a baking sheet. Brush Garlic Butter evenly over each piece of bread. Place 1 slice white cheddar cheese on top.
  • Add ham on top of that, then top with shredded gruyere cheese.
  • Bake at 450° for 8-10 minutes, or until bread it toasted and cheese is melted.
  • Garnish with fresh basil and fresh cracked pepper. Serve.